Congratulations to the Assistance Dog Teams that were certified in April!
April and PORSCHE
Whelped by: Gayle Tolsma
Foster Puppy Raiser: Brittanie Sosnofsky and Austin Starks
Cesar and DAPHNE
Breeding Host Homes:
Mama Dog housed by: Lisa Stahlberg and Kelli Day
Foster Puppy Raiser: Scott and Kathy Yeske
Kyle and NOODLE
Breeding Host Homes:
Mama Dog housed by: Stuart and Ellen Dykstra
Foster Puppy Raiser: Mike and Michele Ripka
Lauren and WILEY
Breeding Host Homes:
Mama Dog housed by: Wendy Brummel
Foster Puppy Raiser: Pat and Libby Richmond
Breeding Host Homes:
Mama Dog housed by: Wendy Brummel
Foster Puppy Raiser: Pat and Libby Richmond
Raymond and JASPER
Foster Puppy Raiser: Pamela Klesko
Foster Puppy Raiser: Pamela Klesko

Thomas and AJAX
Breeding Host Homes:
Mama Dog housed by: Ron and Sue Addison
Foster Puppy Raiser: Joseph Matthews
Foster Puppy Raiser: Joseph Matthews
Thank you to all of our PAWS Dog Volunteers and supporters for making these Assistance Dog Teams possible!