Congratulations to the Assistance Dog Teams that were certified in September!
Dallin and JUNO
Mama Dog HONOR housed by: Gayle Tolsma
Papa Dog JACK housed by: Heather Reurink
Foster Puppy Raiser: Amanda Learman
Davis and MYRTLE
Mama Dog OLIVE housed by: Crystal Snyder
Papa Dog MAC housed by: Angela Meyer
Foster Puppy Raisers: Pam Yano and Keith Lipske
Gage and MADDOX
Mama Dog NALA housed by: Deb Grow
Papa Dog OZ housed by: Mike and Judy Versalle
Foster Puppy Raisers: Rachael and Jeffery Vargo
Kaylan and MONROE
Mama Dog NALA housed by: Deb Grow
Papa Dog OZ housed by: Mike and Judy Versalle
Foster Puppy Raisers: Becky and Mark Ehrnstrom
Marian and VINA
Mama Dog SCARLET (Hearing/Service Dog now!) whelped by: Stuart and Ellen Dykstra
Papa Dog CARLOS: Outside Stud
Foster Puppy Raisers: Dean and Lori Weurding
Thank you to all of our PAWS Dog Volunteers and supporters for making these Assistance Dog Teams possible!